Math 52: Linear Algebra

Emily Dumas

Brown University Fall 2005

A picture of a 428x428 Hadamard matrix, i.e. a matrix with orthogonal columns and all entries equal to +1 (white pixels) or -1 (black pixels). This example was discovered H. Kharaghani and B. Tayfeh-Rezaie in 2004, and was the first of size 428x428. It is not known if there is a 668x668 Hadamard matrix, though it is conjectured that examples of size 4nx4n exist for all n. See the Wikipedia article for further discussion.

General Information

Text Introduction to Linear Algebra, Third Edition, by Gilbert Strang, ISBN 0961408898
Office Kassar House 114
Phone 401-863-7957
Email ddumas | atsymbol | math | dot | brown | dot | edu
Office Hours Wed 12:30-1:30pm, Thurs 2:30-3:30pm, and by appointment
Meeting Time Section 1: MWF 2:00 - 2:50 PM (G hour)
Section 2: TR 1:00 - 2:20 PM (J hour)
Location Section 1: Barus & Holley 160
Section 2: Barus & Holley 155
Homework Policies One problem set will be assigned each week. Typically assignments will be given on Thursdays or Fridays (depending on the section) and collected one week later.
Late homework will NOT be accepted. There are no exceptions to this policy.
The homework problems depend on material from both the assigned reading and the lectures. Do not leave the problem sets or reading to the last minute!


These documents are available for download in PDF format.

Homework and Reading

All homework problems and readings are from the textbook, Introduction to Linear Algebra, Third Edition, by Gilbert Strang.

Important Dates

There will be two in-class one-hour exams and a final exam. The registrar determines the date and time of the final exam, and these cannot be changed. You must be available on Monday, December 19, to take the final exam.
Exam 1 Fri, Oct 7 (Section 1)
Thurs, Oct 6 (Section 2)
In class
Exam 2 Wed, Nov 9 (Section 1)
Tues, Nov 8 (Section 2)
In class
Final Exam Review 1 Thurs, Dec 8, 1:00-2:20pm Barus and Holley 141
Final Exam Review 2 Wed, Dec 14, 1:00-2:20pm Barus and Holley 141
Final Exam Mon, Dec 19, 2-5pm (Both sections) Sayles Hall Auditorium


Your course grade will be determined on the following basis:
Lecture Attendance 4%
Problem Sets 16%
Exam 1 20%
Exam 2 20%
Final Exam 40%


The following resources are available for additional help with Math 52:
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