Math 104: Fundamental Problems of Geometry

Emily Dumas

Brown University
Spring 2006

A tiling of the hyperbolic plane by ideal quadrilaterals. All of the stick figures are congruent. (Image produced by David Wright.)

General Information

Text Euclidean & Non-Euclidean Geometries: Development and History, Third Edition, by Marvin Jay Greenberg
ISBN 0716724464
(+ supplementary readings from other texts as needed)
Instructor Emily Dumas
Office Kassar House 114
Phone 401-863-7957
Email ddumas | atsymbol | math | dot | brown | dot | edu
Office Hours Tues 12:00-1:00pm, Wed 2:00-3:00pm, and by appointment
Meeting Time Tues and Thurs 10:30 - 11:50am (I hour)
Location Barus & Holley 157
Homework Policies Problem assignments will be given approximately once a week, with due dates announced at the time of assignment (usually one week later). Homework must be turned in at the start of lecture on the due date.
Late homework will NOT be accepted. There are no exceptions to this policy.


These documents are available for download in PDF format.

Homework and Reading


Your final grade will be determined by your homework scores, two in-class quizzes, and a cumulative final exam. The take-home final exam will be distributed during reading period and will be due during the final exam period. These factors will be weighted as follows:
Homework Weekly 20%
Quiz 1 Thursday, February 23 15%
Quiz 2 Thursday, March 23 15%
Final Exam
Assigned: Friday, May 5, Noon EDT
Due: Friday, May 12, 4:00pm EDT

Reserve List

The following items are on reserve in the Sciences Library:

Geometry Resources

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