Math 442: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces

Emily Dumas

University of Illinois at Chicago
Spring 2009

Cornu spiral
The Cornu spiral, a plane curve whose curvature is a linear function of arc length.

Final exam information

The final exam will be held in SEO 636 on Friday, May 8, 10:30am-12:30pm.

The exam consists of two problem lists (A and B) with four problems each. For full credit, you must complete two problems from each list during the two-hour exam period.

List A is available below. You will receive list B on the day of the exam.

You may not discuss the problems on list A with anyone else until after the exam.

General information

Lectures MWF 10:00 - 10:50am in SEO 636
Text Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Manfredo do Carmo (see also: list of errata)
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-212589-5
Instructor Emily Dumas (ddumas | atsymbol | math | dot | uic | dot | edu)
Office hours Mondays 2-3pm, Wednesdays 11am-12pm in SEO 503
Homework Policies Homework will be assigned after most lectures and collected weekly on Monday (or in the first lecture of the week, if Monday is a holiday). The list of challenge problems will also be updated on a regular basis; you must complete two (undergraduates) or four (graduates) of these problems and submit your written solutions before the end of the semester.
Late homework will not be accepted.
You can discuss the homework with other students, but you must write (and understand!) your own solutions.
The homework problems depend on material from both the assigned reading and the lectures. Do not leave the problem sets or reading to the last minute!


These documents are available for download in PDF format.

Important Dates

There will be one midterm exam and a cumulative final exam.
Midterm Exam Wed, Mar 4 In class
Final Exam Fri, May 8, 10:30am-12:30pm SEO 636


Your course grade will be determined on the following basis:
Homework 30%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 40%

When computing your homework grade, the lowest weekly homework score will be dropped, and the remaining scores will be averaged with your challenge problem scores. (That is, each challenge problem is worth as much as a weekly homework assignment!)


Try out 3d-XplorMath.


Unless otherwise noted, all reading assignments refer to the textbook, Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces by Manfredo do Carmo.

Weekly Problems


Online Resources

These online tools (java applets, etc.) complement the material from the textbook and lectures.
Up: Home page of Emily Dumas