Math 180: Calculus I

Emily Dumas

University of Illinois at Chicago
Fall 2014

WARNING: The information on this page applies only to my section of math 180, which is
Emily Dumas
MWF 12 Noon
Lecture Center D1
CRN 13382
While this page is the primary source of information and announcements about this section of math 180, there are two other places where course information is found:

Section-specific information


Final Exam

The final exam will be held on Thursday, December 11 from 1-3pm in Lecture Center E101.

In addition to the online and written homework, the following resources will help you prepare for the exam:

Midterm Exams

Written Homework



No late arrival or early departure

Students are expected to arrive to lectures and discussion sections on time, and to stay for the full period. Arriving late or leaving early is inconsiderate to your instructor and fellow students, and moreover, such actions disrupt course activities. Therefore, late arrivals or early departures will not be tolerated. In particular, students arriving late will be denied entry into the lecture (and will receive a score of zero on any graded in-class activities).

No Blackboard

We will not use Blackboard at all. (Blackboard is a system that some courses use to post information and announcements, assignments, etc.).
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