Math 180: Calculus I

Emily Dumas

University of Illinois at Chicago
Spring 2014



In particular, homework assignments, the syllabus, practice exams, and textbook information are found there. Check the course page regularly.

Section-specific information

The information on this page applies ONLY to my section of math 180, which is:
Emily Dumas
MWF 12 Noon
Lecture Center C4


Homework collected every Tuesday

Homework is assigned for every lecture (→ complete homework table).

The homework problems from Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week are due the following Tuesday, and will be collected in the discussion meeting with your TA. Graded homework will also be returned in discussion.

Late homework is not accepted.

Homework is not accepted by email.

Computing your homework grade

At the end of the semester we will compute a homework (and quiz) average for each student as follows:

No Online Homework

We will not have online homework in this section.

Thus you do NOT need to buy a MyMathLab access kit, and you do NOT need a MyMathLab account or access code. The textbook is the only required item.

No Blackboard

We will not use Blackboard at all. (Blackboard is a system that some courses use to post information and announcements, assignments, etc.).

Announcements specific to this section of math 180 will be posted on this web page. Homework and other course-wide math 180 information is available from the Main Math 180 Home Page

In-class quizzes

In-class quizzes may be given at any time (in MWF lecture or in TR discussion). Sometimes quizzes will be announced in advance, but not always. Typically these will last between 10 and 15 minutes. No make-up quizzes will be given.

For grading purposes a single quiz is equivalent to one homework assignment (i.e. one week's homework).

Other information

Calculus-related cookies?

Choco-Leibniz cookies are in fact named for Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, however Fig Newtons are named after a town in Massachusetts rather than calculus inventor Isaac Newton.

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