Lecture 15

Functions as values & lambda

MCS 260 Fall 2020
Emily Dumas


  • Quiz 5 is due today
  • Work on Project 2, due Oct 9
  • Live coding

    A unary calculator REPL

    Live coding

    A unary calculator REPL


    • Functions are values in Python, just like float, int, etc.
    • Functions can be assigned to variables, used as parameters, stored in lists, used as keys or values
    • Dictionary mapping string to function can be used for handlers
    • sys.exit() exits program immediately
    • lambda vars: retval defines an anonymous function
    • Don't use lambda for complicated functions
    • Assigning to a return value is a good way to handle functions that need to change vars outside of their scope

    Revision history

    • 2020-09-26 Initial publication