Lecture 31

The json module

MCS 260 Fall 2020
Emily Dumas


  • Project 3 is due Friday
  • Nov 5: Discussion converted to TA office hours
  • pip and pytest

    On Friday we'll talk about testing and pytest, a module that is not always included with Python.

    Python's packaging tool pip can install it.

    If your interpreter name is python, run:

    python -m pip install pytest

    If your interpreter name is python3, run:

    python3 -m pip install pytest

    Is pytest installed?

    Run the command

    python -m pytest
    in a shell (or substitute your interpreter name) to check. Successful output looks like:

    ====================== test session starts =======================
    platform win32 -- Python 3.8.3, pytest-5.4.3, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.1
    rootdir: C:\Users\ddumas\example
    collected 0 items
    ===================== no tests ran in 0.02s ======================


    JSON stands for JavaScript object notation. It is a format for storing various types of data in text files. Many languages can read and write this format.

    Supported basic types:

    • string — must use double quotes.
    • number — float, int, other? Up to reader.
    • boolean — lower case names true, false.
    • null — similar to Python's None.

    Supported composite types:

    • array — ordered sequence of values like Python list. Surrounded by square brackets, values separated by commas.
    • object — associative array like Python dict. Surrounded by curly braces, comma separator. Keys must be strings.

    A JSON file must contain a single value. Most often it is an object or array.

    Writing JSON

    Use json.dump(val,f) to write val to file object f as JSON.

    Conversion table:

    • dictobject
    • list or tuplearray
    • int or floatnumber
    • boolboolean
    • Nonenull

    Or use json.dumps(val) to get JSON string.

    Reading JSON

    Use json.load(f) to interpret contents of file object f as JSON and return the decoded result.

    json.loads(text) will instead process string text as JSON.

    Not supported in JSON

    • Complex numbers
    • Date/time types
    • Distinctions between:
      • int and float*
      • tuple and list
    • Comments

    * But Python's json module will try to guess when reading.


    The US federal government offers a free JSON API for retrieving federal spending data.

    API means Application Programming Interface; essentially, a way for programs to talk to one another.

    This is a HTTP API, so there are URLs you can retrieve to get a JSON document with spending data.

    Question: What fraction of the federal budget goes to the National Science Foundation?

    The URL


    returns data about many "top tier" federal agencies as JSON.


    Revision history

    • 2020-11-03 Initial publication