Lec 9: Functions

Lecture 9


MCS 260 Fall 2020
Emily Dumas


  • Work on:
    • Quiz 3 (due Today, 6pm central)
    • Project 1 (due Friday, 6pm central)
  • Worksheet 4 available

We have seen lots of functions: $\texttt{input()}$, $\texttt{print()}$, $\texttt{float()}$, $\texttt{len()}$, $\texttt{enumerate()}$, ...

These are built-in functions, provided by Python. They do useful things, sometimes using data you provide, and sometimes returning a value.

It is also possible to create your own functions.

Syntax for a function definition:

def function_name(param0, param1, ...):
    return value

The $\texttt{param}i$ are parameters.

Syntax for calling a function:

        function_name(arg0, arg1, ...)

The $\texttt{arg}i$ are arguments. The statements in the function body will run with $\texttt{param0=arg0}$, $\texttt{param1=arg1}$, ....

Function with no parameters

        def input_yes_no():
            while True:
                s = input()    # Read string from keyboard
                s = s.lower()  # Make all lower case
                if s in ["y","yes"]:
                    s = "yes"
                elif s in ["n","no"]:
                    s = "no"
                    print("Please enter y/yes or n/no.")
            return s

Now we can use this e.g. as:

        print("Set all quiz scores to 100?")
        if input_yes_no() == "yes":
            for i,student in enumerate(roster):
                scores[i] = 100.0


A Python function (or file) can begin with a string literal, a docstring, to document its purpose.

$\texttt{help(function_name)}$ retrieves docstrings.

>>> def f(x):
...     """
...     Return the square of `x`.
...     """
...     return x*x
>>> help(f)
Help on function f in module __main__:

    Return the square of `x`.

New rule

Every function you write in MCS 260 must have a descriptive docstring.

A return is not required; a function can perform tasks without returning a value.

A return can appear anywhere in the function body to return to the caller immediately.

        def input_yes_no2():
            Read yes/no from keyboard, allowing single letter or full
            word answers.  Returns one of the strings "yes" or "no".
            while True:
                s = input()    # Read string from keyboard
                s = s.lower()  # Make all lower case
                if s in ["y","yes"]:
                    return "yes"
                elif s in ["n","no"]:
                    return "no"
                    print("Please enter y/yes or n/no.")


Parameters allow a function to accept and use data. The syntax is a list of names in parentheses after the function name. Example:

        def trim(s, maxlen):
            """Return the initial segment of sequence s,
            consisting of at most `maxlen` items."""
            return s[:maxlen]  # Works even if s is short!

Now if we call $\texttt{trim("picnic",3)}$, the body of the function runs with $\texttt{s="picnic"}$ and $\texttt{maxlen=3}$.

These are called positional arguments, as they correspond to parameters by position.

Parameters can be given default values:

def increase(x, addon=5):  # Note the default value for addon
    "Return the sum of `x` and `addon` (defaults to 5)"
    return x+addon

When calling a function, arguments can be given positionally, or by name. The latter are keyword arguments.

increase(3)           # result is 8
increase(3,addon=1)   # result is 4
increase(addon=2,x=3) # result is 5
increase(addon=2,11)  # ERROR: pos. args must be first
increase(addon=2)     # ERROR: arg without default omitted

Local variables

Variables and parameters changed inside a function don't affect anything outside of the function.

Such variables are local, and the function is their scope.

>>> def f():
...     "Example of local variables"
...     x = 10  # local variable
...     print("x is",x)
>>> x=3
>>> f()
x is 10
>>> x

Reasons to use functions

  • Don't repeat yourself (DRY). Capture often-used code in a function to make programs smaller and easier to maintain.
  • Well-named functions make the code using them more readable.
  • Local variables provide isolation, avoid accidental modification or reuse of variables.



    print("In celsius:")
    print("Outside temp: ",(ext_air_f()-32)/1.8)
    print("Inside temp: ",(int_air_f()-32)/1.8)
    print("Forecast high (outside): ",(forecast_high()-32)/1.8))

    def to_celsius(fahrenheit_temp):
        "Convert Fahrenheit to celsius"
        return (fahrenheit_temp-32) / 1.8

    print("In celsius:")
    print("Outside temp: ",to_celsius(ext_air_f()))
    print("Inside temp: ",to_celsius(int_air_f()))
    print("Forecast high (outside): ",to_celsius(forecast_high()))

Readable code

Short but dense:

    for netid in [ x for x in roster if days_since_seen(x) > 7 ]:
        print("Not seen recently:",netid)
Longer but easier to understand:

    def not_seen(netid,days=7):
        "Has this student been seen recently? Return bool"
        return days_since_seen(netid) > days
    def students_not_seen(days=7):
        "List netids of students not seen in `days` days."
        return [ x for x in roster if not_seen(x,days=days) ]

    for netid in students_not_seen():
        print("Not seen recently:",netid)

Often we care about what a function does, not how.


Variable $\texttt{t}$ used only briefly:

t = s.lower()
if t[0] == t[-1]:
Replace with local variable:

    def first_and_last_same(x):
        """Does string `x` have same first and last
        letter (case insensitively)?"""
        x = x.lower()
        return x[0] == x[-1]

    if first_and_last_same(s):



  • Some of today's lecture was based on teaching materials developed for MCS 260 by Jan Verschelde.

Revision history

  • 2020-09-14 Correction about keyword/positional arguments
  • 2020-09-13 Initial publication