Lecture 20

More on functions, arguments, and assignment

MCS 260 Fall 2021
Emily Dumas


  • Project 2 due 6pm central today
  • Project 2 solution will be posted next Friday
  • Homework 7 posted, due 10am Tue


I unified the "mini-terminal" examples from the 10am and 2pm lectures in terminal.py.


It's a good start, but:

  • Adding a new command requires a new elif
  • List of all commands (e.g. for `help`) must be manually updated

Functions are values

  • Functions are values in Python, just like float, int, etc.
  • Functions can be assigned to variables, used as parameters, stored in lists, used as keys or values

Returning multiple values

        def sumprod(x,y):
            """Return the sum and product of two numbers"""
            return x+y, x*y
        s,p = sumprod(5,8)
        # now s==13 and p==40

Why this works

A comma separated list (either bare or in parentheses) in Python is a tuple.

Tuples are like lists but immutable. They are iterable.

Tuple assignment lets you assign an iterable of values to a tuple of names as

        name0, name1, name2 = value0, value1, value2
        name0, name1, name2 = L  # if L has length 3

Example: swap

        x = 19
        y = 52
        x,y = y,x  # swap their values!

In other languages you would need a temporary place to store one of the values.

Returning multiple values?

        def sumprod(x,y):
            """Return the sum and product of two numbers"""
            return x+y, x*y
        s,p = sumprod(5,8)
        # now s==13 and p==40

From Python's perspective, sumprod returns one value (a tuple), and then tuple assignment stores those in s and p, respectively.

Variadic functions

A Python function can indicate that it will accept however many arguments the caller decides to give it:

        def f(x,y,*args):
            """function that accepts 2 or more arguments"""
            # body of function here
            # probably examine len(args) and args[i], i=0,1,...

This example requires at least 2 arguments, but allows more. Arguments 3 and on are "packed" into a tuple called args.

Argument unpacking

Conversely, what if you know all the arguments you want to give a function, but they are in a list rather than separate variables?

        L = ["Users","ddumas","teaching","mcs260","example.py"]
        os.path.join(L) # FAILS

Use * to tell Python to unpack the list (or other iterable) into separate arguments:

        L = ["Users","ddumas","teaching","mcs260","example.py"]
        os.path.join(*L) # equivalent to os.path.join(L[0],L[1],...)

Wrong number of arguments

If you pass a function a number of arguments that it cannot accept, it raises TypeError. E.g.

        def f(x,y,*args):

        def g(x):
        f()      # TypeError
        f(1)     # TypeError
        f(1,2)   # OK
        f(1,2,3) # OK

        g()      # TypeError
        g(1)     # OK
        g(1,2)   # TypeError

Back to the mini-terminal

Let's unify the many similar if/elif in our terminal example as follows:

  • Make a dictionary to store all the commands
  • Keys are command names
  • Values are functions that perform the actions
  • Main loop uses the command name to look up the right function to call. No if/elif/elif/...

Revision history

  • 2021-10-08 Initial publication