A document from MCS 275 Spring 2021, instructor Emily Dumas. You can also get the notebook file.

Quick intro to pandas

MCS 275 Spring 2021 - Emily Dumas

This is a quick tour of basic plotting with matplotlib. For more detail see

You can install pandas on your own machine (e.g. python3 -m pip install pandas). It is also available on Google Colab.

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
In [32]:
# Prettification options

# Nice colors

# Big text options
params = {'axes.labelsize': 18,
           'font.size': 20,
           'legend.fontsize': 20,
           'xtick.labelsize': 16,
           'ytick.labelsize': 16}

# Global params like default sizes live in mpl not plt

Opening files

Excel spreadsheet of animal data

In [49]:
df = pd.read_excel("data/animals.xlsx")
common name species diet population lifespan
0 wolf canis lupus carnivore 300000.0 14
1 capybara hydrochoerus hydrochaeris herbivore NaN 7
2 axolotl ambystoma mexicanum carnivore 950.0 15
3 raccoon procyon lotor omnivore 20000000.0 13
In [ ]:
# In columns of type float, pandas uses "NaN" (not a number)
# to indicate missing data.  In this case, the worldwide
# population of capybaras is not known.

HTML table (UIC academic calendar)

In [52]:
# read_html takes a URL, string, or urllib response object
# and gives a list of DataFrames, one for each table in the
# document.
# Here, we ask for just the *first* table
# (corresponding to summer 2019)
Date Event
0 Summer Session 1 (4-Week Session)
1 May 20, M Instruction begins.
2 May 22, W Last day to complete late registration for Sum...
3 May 27, M Memorial Day holiday. No classes
4 June 3, M CampusCare Waiver deadline.
5 June 5, W Last day for undergraduate students to use opt...
6 June 13, Th Instruction ends for Summer Session 1.
7 June 14, F Final examinations for Summer Session 1.
8 Summer Session 2 (8-Week Session)
9 June 17, M Instruction begins.
10 June 21, F Last day to complete late registration for Sum...
11 July 4, Th Independence Day holiday. No classes.
12 July 19, F Last day for undergraduate students to use opt...
13 August 7, W Instruction ends for Summer Session 2.
14 August 8–9, Th–F Final examinations for Summer Session 2.

CSV of electrical energy consumption in Europe

This is the example we'll work with for the rest of lecture.

In [8]:
df = pd.read_csv(
    index_col="date" # refers to name in header row
In [10]:
# DataFrame = table
In [13]:
df["France"] # one column of the table
2017-01-01    69196.0
2017-01-02    74295.0
2017-01-03    78852.0
2017-01-04    79868.0
2017-01-05    78665.0
2019-12-27    57274.0
2019-12-28    56276.0
2019-12-29    59341.0
2019-12-30    65543.0
2019-12-31    65994.0
Name: France, Length: 1095, dtype: float64
In [14]:
# Series = column
In [15]:
Timestamp('2018-04-28 00:00:00')
In [16]:
# DataFrame[column_name][index]
df["United Kingdom"][pd.Timestamp("2018-04-28")]
In [17]:
t0 = pd.Timestamp("2018-04-28")
t1 = t0 + pd.Timedelta(days=7)
In [19]:
df["United Kingdom"][t0:t1]
# Gotcha: in pandas, slices in the index include end!
2018-04-28    32775.0
2018-04-29    31804.0
2018-04-30    35981.0
2018-05-01    35272.0
2018-05-02    35366.0
2018-05-03    35066.0
2018-05-04    33968.0
2018-05-05    30249.0
Name: United Kingdom, dtype: float64
In [20]:
df.loc[t0:t1] # all the rows from t0 to t1
France Germany Italy United Kingdom
2018-04-28 43350.0 49063.0 27740.0 32775.0
2018-04-29 42942.0 44463.0 24455.0 31804.0
2018-04-30 50464.0 53406.0 27373.0 35981.0
2018-05-01 45151.0 46257.0 22840.0 35272.0
2018-05-02 52142.0 58193.0 33471.0 35366.0
2018-05-03 51264.0 59251.0 35081.0 35066.0
2018-05-04 49454.0 58319.0 34722.0 33968.0
2018-05-05 42704.0 49090.0 28847.0 30249.0
In [23]:
# all rows where Italy < 30k and Germany > 50k
df.loc[(df["Italy"] < 30000.0) & (df["Germany"] > 50000.0)]
France Germany Italy United Kingdom
2017-01-02 74295.0 56268.0 29974.0 34421.0
2017-01-06 81884.0 59851.0 28062.0 40553.0
2017-01-07 78066.0 56255.0 29396.0 35557.0
2017-01-08 70772.0 51209.0 27728.0 34482.0
2017-01-15 69603.0 52008.0 28656.0 35838.0
... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-08 56121.0 51535.0 25762.0 31670.0
2019-12-15 55525.0 50591.0 27419.0 36418.0
2019-12-21 55236.0 50267.0 28024.0 35358.0
2019-12-23 58329.0 50619.0 28526.0 36471.0
2019-12-30 65543.0 50002.0 28240.0 34063.0

91 rows × 4 columns

In [25]:
import json
with open("data/europe-electricity/europe-pop-millions-2019.json") as infile:
    pop = json.load(infile)
In [26]:
{'France': 67.06, 'Germany': 83.02, 'United Kingdom': 66.65, 'Italy': 60.36}
In [27]:
# Convert original dataframe to one that has per capita
# consumption in each column

# Since this modifies the data, let's make sure we start
# with the original (total MW) data by reloading.

df = pd.read_csv(
    index_col="date" # refers to name in header row

for c in ["Italy","Germany","France","United Kingdom"]:
    df[c] /= pop[c]
# This shows dataframes are MUTABLE
In [46]:
# Now df contains figures in units of MW/Mperson
# i.e. W per capita
France Germany Italy United Kingdom
2017-01-01 1031.852073 511.334618 385.520212 489.932483
2017-01-02 1107.888458 677.764394 496.587144 516.444111
2017-01-03 1175.842529 753.071549 536.315441 581.335334
2017-01-04 1190.993140 766.851361 537.839629 585.896474
2017-01-05 1173.053982 753.481089 536.365142 619.969992
... ... ... ... ...
2019-12-27 854.070981 588.316068 446.156395 534.118530
2019-12-28 839.188786 572.813780 430.715706 509.212303
2019-12-29 884.894125 545.591424 412.160371 492.018005
2019-12-30 977.378467 602.288605 467.859510 511.072768
2019-12-31 984.103788 564.586847 439.098741 529.497374

1095 rows × 4 columns

In [ ]:
# Aside: It's very common to use dataframe mutations to "fix"
# columns.  E.g. if a column contains temperature strings like
# "43.1C" you could use
df["temperature"] = np.array([ x[:-1] for x in df["temperature"]]).astype("float")
# to replace it with a column of floats


In [43]:
# You *can* use pandas series as the x and y arrays for
# a matplotlib plot.
# Here, df.index is the column of dates, the x axis
#       df["France"] is the the y axis
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f048dad1580>]
In [42]:
ax = df.plot(figsize=(15,8)) # uses plt.plot behind the scenes
ax.set_title("Electrical energy consumption 2017-2019",pad=20)
ax.set_ylabel("W per capita")
Text(0, 0.5, 'W per capita')
In [41]:
ax = df.rolling(7).mean().plot(figsize=(15,8)) # uses plt.plot behind the scenes
ax.set_title("Electrical energy consumption 2017-2019 (7-day moving average)",size=22,pad=20)
ax.set_ylabel("W per capita")
Text(0, 0.5, 'W per capita')