Lecture 10

Errors and debugging

MCS 275 Spring 2021
Emily Dumas

Lecture 10: Errors and debugging

Course bulletins:

  • Project 1 due Friday at 6pm CST.
  • Project 1 autograder is available.


We're starting a short unit on debugging.

Today we'll talk about interpreting error messages, and basic methods to fix them.


Any difference between the expected and actual behavior of a program is an error or bug. Some bugs stop the program's execution. In other cases the program proceeds (but does the wrong thing).

The process of finding and fixing errors in computer programs is called debugging.

Today we mostly focus on debugging errors that cause a program to stop.

Lines in progress

Functions can call other functions, so at any moment the Python interpreter may have a number of function calls in progress.

        def f(x):
            """Return the square of `x`"""
            return x*x
        print("The square of 8 is",f(8))

e.g. in the program above, when line 3 runs, the function called on line 4 is in progress.

Call stack

The function calls currently underway are stored on the call stack, a data structure maintained by the interpreter.

The top of the stack is the function actively running; the others are waiting on this one to finish.

Just below the top is the function that called the one currently running, and so forth.

Uncaught exceptions

The Python interpreter raises exceptions to signal unexpected conditions. Programs can also raise exceptions themselves.

Unless caught by a try...except block, raising an exception ends the program.

When exiting due to an exception, Python prints a summary of what happened, called a traceback.

Tracebacks contain lots of useful information about what went wrong, including the call stack.

Anatomy of a traceback

Anatomy of a traceback

Anatomy of a traceback

Anatomy of a traceback

Anatomy of a traceback

What's not in a traceback

  • Argument values for each function call
  • Values of variables involved in any of the lines shown
  • Information about when the exception was raised (e.g. the first iteration of the loop? the 500th?)

Goal in reading a traceback

Determine where the code's meaning doesn't match the programmer's intentions.

Usually a change is needed near one of the lines in the traceback... but which one?

How to use a traceback

  • Generally, read from bottom to top
  • Make note of the exception type
  • Scan the files listed for ones you wrote
  • Of those, open the one closest to the bottom in an editor and go to the line in question
  • Try to develop error hypothesis consistent with the exception
  • Read Python docs for relevant functions
  • Look at higher entries for additional context
  • Move up the traceback if you're stuck

Some built-in exception types

  • NameError - Reference to unknown variable.
  • AttributeError - Reference to unknown method or attribute (wrong class?)
  • TypeError - Invalid argument type, e.g. non-integer list index
    or trying to use indexing on a type that doesn't allow it
  • ValueError - Function got the right type, but an inappropriate value
    int("space wasps")
  • IndexError - Item requested by integer index does not exist
  • KeyError - A dictionary was asked for a key that doesn't exist
    {"a": 260, "b":330}["autumn"]
  • SyntaxError - Execution couldn't even start because the program's text is not valid Python code.
  • ImportError or ModuleNotFoundError- The requested module could not be imported (or a requested name wasn't in the module, if using from)
  • OSError and its subclasses - The OS was asked to do something, but it failed; includes many file-related errors (e.g. file not found, directory found where file needed, permission problems, ...)

Debugging strategies

So far: Read-only debugging methods (no code changes to assist the process)

Reality: Debugging is hard. Tracebacks alone often don't give enough information.

Various debugging strategies can be used to help identify and fix problems.

print debugging

One of the oldest debugging strategies is to add extra output to a program that shows important internal state up to the moment of an error.

E.g. print values of arguments and variables just before the line causing an exception.

Disadvantage: Generally need to remove all those scattered print() calls when you're done debugging.

print debugging reputation

Print debugging is often criticized as the refuge of those who don't know any better.

We'll talk about another method next time, so you will know better!

But the simplicity and directness of simply printing more program state is often compelling.

Brian Kernighan (Unix co-creator) called print debugging the “most effective debugging tool” in 1979, and it remains popular more than 40 years later.


Revision history

  • 2021-02-03 Initial publication