MCS 275 Spring 2021
Emily Dumas
Course bulletins:
python3 -m pip install beautifulsoup4
HTML is a language for making documents, meant to be displayed to humans. Avoid having programs read HTML if at all possible.
e.g. look for an API that serves the same data in a structured format (CSV, JSON, ...)
What do you do if there is no API, and you need to extract information from an HTML document?
Sigh with exasperation, then...
Level 0: Treat the HTML document as a string and use search operations (str.find
or regexes) to locate something you care about, like <title>
HTML is complicated, and this approach is very error-prone.
Level 1: Use a parser that knows how to recognize start/end tags, attributes, etc., and tell it what to do when it finds them (e.g. call this function...)
is in the standard library.
This approach is event-based. You specify functions to handle things when they are found, but you don't get an overall picture of the entire document.
Level 2: Use a higher-level HTML data extraction framework like Beautiful Soup, Scrapy, or Selenium.
These frameworks create a data structure that represents the entire document, supporting various kinds of searching, traversal, and extraction.
The Document Object Model or DOM is a language-independent model for representing a HTML document as a tree of nodes.
Each node represents part of the document, such as a tag, an attribute, or text appearing inside a tag.
The formal specification has rules for for naming, accessing, and modifying parts of a document. JavaScript fully implements this specification.
<html><head><title>My title</title></head><body><h1>A heading</h1>
<a href="">Link text</a></body></html>
<p>I <strong>really</strong>like Python.</p>
This package provides a module called bs4
for turning HTML into a DOM-like data structure.
Widely used, e.g. social network Reddit uses it* to select a representative image from a web page when a URL is submitted in a post.
Requires an HTML parser. We'll use html.parser
from the standard library (slow but always available).
* At least that was the case in 2014; they may have switched to something else since then.
Parse HTML file into DOM:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
with open("lecture40.html") as fobj:
soup = BeautifulSoup(fobj,"html.parser")
Parse web page into DOM:
from urllib.request import urlopen
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
with urlopen("") as response:
soup = BeautifulSoup(response,"html.parser")
Be careful about the ethics of connecting to web servers from programs.
A program that extracts data from HTML is a scraper
A program that visits all pages on a site is a spider.
All forms of automated access should:
Parse string into DOM:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(
"<p>That was <strong>durian</strong>?!</p>",
str(soup) # the HTML
soup.prettify() # prettier HTML
soup.title # first (and only) title tag
soup.p # first p tag
soup.find("p") # first p tag (alternative)
soup.p.em # first em tag within the first p tag
soup.find_all("a") # list of all a tags
str(tag) # HTML for this tag and everything inside it # name of the tag, e.g. "a" or "ul"
tag.attrs # dict of tag's attributes
tag["href"] # get a single attribute
tag.text # All the text nodes inside tag, concatenated
tag.string # If tag has only text inside it, returns that text
# But if it has other tags as well, returns None
tag.parent # enclosing tag
tag.contents # list of the children of this tag
tag.children # iterable of children of this tag
tag.banana # first descendant banana tag (sub actual tag name!)
tag.find(...) # first descendant meeting criteria
tag.find_all(...) # descendants meeting criteria
tag.find_next_sibling(...) # next sibling tag meeting criteria
Arguments supported by all the find*
tag.find_all(True) # all descendants
tag.find_all("tagname") # descendants by tag name
tag.find_all(href="") # by attribute
tag.find_all(class_="post") # by class
tag.find_all(re.compile("^fig")) # tag name regex match
tag.find_all("a",limit=15) # first 15 a tags
tag.find_all("a",recursive=False) # all a *children*
Also work with find()
, find_next_sibling()
, ...
returns a list of tags that match a CSS selector, e.g.".wide") # all tags of class "wide"
# ul tags within divs of class messagebox"div.messagebox ul")
There are many CSS selectors and functions we haven't discussed, so this gives a powerful alternative search syntax.
# all third elements of unordered lists"ul > li:nth-of-type(3)")