Lecture 8


MCS 275 Spring 2021
Emily Dumas

Lecture 8: Decorators

Course bulletins:
  • Project 1 posted. Deadline 6pm CST on Fri Feb 5.
  • Project 1 autograder opens on Monday.
  • Quiz 2 solutions and grades posted.
  • Quiz 3 will be posted Monday at Noon, due Tuesday at Noon (all times CST).


Discuss a Python language feature that allows us to attach "modifiers" to functions, called decorators.

This feature is never required, but it sometimes leads to code that is easier to read and understand.

(Some Python modules, e.g. Flask, are meant to be used primarily through decorators.)

Function arguments

Functions in Python can accept functions as arguments.

def dotwice(f):
    """Call function f twice"""

A better version works with functions that accept arguments:

def dotwice(f,*args,**kwargs):
    """Call function f twice"""

Returning functions

Functions in Python can return functions. Often this is used with a return value that is a defined inside the function body, making a "function factory".

def return_power(n):
    def inner(x): # function inside a function!
        """Raise x to a power"""
        return x**n
    return inner

Modifying functions

def return_twice_doer(f):
    """Return a new function which calls f twice"""
    def inner(*args,**kwargs):
        """Call a certain function twice"""
    return inner

Replacing functions

In some cases we might want to replace an existing function with a modified version of it (e.g. as returned by some other function).

def g(x):
    """Print the argument with a message"""
    print("Function got value",x) 

# actually, I wanted to always print that message twice!
g = return_twice_doer(g)

Decorator syntax

There is a shorter syntax to replace a function with a modified version.

def fn(x,y):
    """Function body goes here"""

is equivalent to

def fn(x,y):
    """Function body goes here"""
fn = modifier(fn)

The symbol @modifier (or any @name) before a function definition is called a decorator.

Returning values

Usually, the inner function of a decorator should return the value of the (last) call to the argument function.

def return_twice_doer(f):
    """Return a new function which calls f twice"""
    def inner(*args,**kwargs):
        """Call a certain function twice"""
        return f(*args,**kwargs)
    return inner

Decorator arguments

Python allows @decorator(arg1,arg2,...).

def printsq(x):
is equivalent to
thisdec = dec(2)

def printsq(x):
In other words, if a decorator is given arguments, then the name after @ is expected to be a decorator factory.

A few built-in decorators

  • @functools.lru_cache(100) -- Save arguments and return values for up to 100 recent calls to a function; reuse stored return values when possible. Good for expensive operations.*
  • @classmethod -- Make a method a class method (callable from the class itself, gets class as first argument). E.g. for alternate constructors.
  • @atexit.register -- Ask that this function be called just before the program exits.

* In Python 3.9+ there is also the simpler functools.cache decorator which stores an unlimited number of past function calls..

Multiple decorators

Each must be on its own line.

def f(x):
    """Function body goes here"""

replaces f with dec1(dec2(dec3(f))).

So the decorator closest to the function name acts first.


  • See Lutz, Chapter 39 for a detailed discussion of Python decorators.
  • See Beazley & Jones, Chapter 9 for several examples of decorators.


  • I reviewed course materials created by Danko Adrovic (UIC MSCS faculty member) while preparing this lecture.

Revision history

  • 2021-01-30 Fix accidental use of Python 3.9 feature (functools.cache)
  • 2021-01-28 Initial publication