Lecture 38

Web app wrap-up

MCS 275 Spring 2022
Emily Dumas

Lecture 38: Web app wrap-up

Course bulletins:

  • Work on Project 4.
  • Project 4 is due 6pm CDT Friday 29 April
  • Autograder (basically QuizBot) opens Monday 25 April.
  • Course evaluations open Monday. Please complete!

If GEO strike begins Monday

I hope UIC will avert a strike by reaching an agreement with GEO.

If strike starts on Monday 18 April, then until it ends:

  • MCS 275 lectures move online (zoom) to avoid crossing picket line
  • MCS 275 labs won't be held
  • Homework collected as usual, grading begins when strike ends
  • No TA office hours or email
  • Instructor availability unchanged (office hours, email, discord)


This is the last in our contiguous lecture series focused on writing a Flask+SQLite application.

(We may revisit this topic a bit in the last week.)

WorkSnap todo list

  • ☑ HTML + CSS mockups
  • ☑ Database
  • ☑ Flask application with worker view
  • ☑ New work order form
  • ☑ Activate "take assignment" button
  • ☐ Activate other buttons
  • ☐ Style the submission form
  • ☐ Date/time formatting
  • ☐ Work order status page
  • ☐ Make all actions redirect to natural destinations
  • ☐ DB initialization and connection cleanup
  • ☐ Detect and handle errors (e.g. failure to take assignment)

WorkSnap todo list

  • ☑ HTML + CSS mockups
  • ☑ Database
  • ☑ Flask application with worker view
  • ☑ New work order form
  • ☑ Activate "take assignment" button
  • ☑ Activate other buttons
  • ☑ Style the submission form
  • ☐ Date/time formatting
  • ☐ Work order status page
  • ☐ Make all actions redirect to natural destinations
  • ☐ DB initialization and connection cleanup
  • ☐ Detect and handle errors (e.g. failure to take assignment)

WorkSnap todo list

  • ☑ HTML + CSS mockups
  • ☑ Database
  • ☑ Flask application with worker view
  • ☑ New work order form
  • ☑ Activate "take assignment" button
  • ☑ Activate other buttons
  • ☑ Style the submission form
  • ☐ Date/time formatting
  • ☐ Work order status page
  • ☐ Make all actions redirect to natural destinations
  • ☐ DB initialization and connection cleanup
  • ☐ Detect and handle errors (e.g. failure to take assignment)


  • /worker/<name>/ - (GET) worker's view of orders
  • /wo/new/ - (GET) form for new order
  • /wo/post/ - (POST) form submission destination
  • /wo/<int:woid>/ - (GET) work order status
  • /wo/<int:woid>/assign_to/<name>/ - (GET*) take assignment
  • /wo/<int:woid>/unassign_from/<name>/ - (GET*) unassign
  • /wo/<int:woid>/complete_by/<name>/ - (GET*) mark complete

* These should really be POST but we would need to use javascript or a different button markup to do it.

Last inserted row

After a single-row INSERT, how to get the primary key of the new row?

SELECT last_insert_rowid();

Implicitly refers to the most-recently executed INSERT on this connection.

Did update change anything?

An UPDATE might match any number of rows (e.g. 0, 1, 50). How can we check the actual number?

SELECT changes();

Implicitly refers to the most-recently executed UPDATE on this connection.

Flask functions

All are in the flask module:

  • redirect(url) - Returning this object from a route will cause the HTTP server to issue a 302 response code, telling client to load url instead.
  • abort(http_error_code) - Immediately stop and return a HTTP error code (usually 400 bad request, 401 not authorized, 403 forbidden, or 404 not found).


Some of the things you'd do differently in a "real" application:

  • Action history: We have a single column for WO creation time. We should probably log every action that changes a work order in a separate table.
  • Accounts, roles, cookies: login page checks credentials against DB, sets browser cookie. Auth-required pages check for it, redirect to login page if not found.
  • JavaScript: e.g. to check for new messages in real time, post new message without loading a new page, make buttons perform POST requests without forms.
  • Pagination: Links to show next/prev page of messages or posts.


Revision history

  • 2022-04-15 Initial publication