MCS 275 uses notebooks for homework, worksheets, and project descriptions, so you've seen these before. But you usually see a version converted to HTML.
What notebooks look like
MCS 275 uses notebooks for homework, worksheets, and project descriptions, so you've seen these before. But you usually see a version converted to HTML.
What notebooks look like
MCS 275 uses notebooks for homework, worksheets, and project descriptions, so you've seen these before. But you usually see a version converted to HTML.
How to use notebooks
Several options:
Google Colab — Web tool to create, edit, run notebooks. Need a Google account. Can save or download notebooks.
Jupyter — Software you install locally to create, edit, run notebooks. Browser shows the UI.
VS Code — Has an extension for handling notebook files.
Jupyter install instructions
Most users can install Jupyter using pip:
python -m pip install notebook
Then run the interface with:
python -m notebook
Of course, you need to replace python with your interpreter name.
Using Colab / Jupyter
A few of the many keyboard shortcuts:
shift-enter — run the current cell
escape — switch from cell editing to navigation
a — in nav mode, add a new cell ABOVE this one
b — in nav mode, add a new cell BELOW this one
dd — in Jupyter, in nav mode, delete current cell (colab has a delete button, and a different shortcut)
m — in Jupyter, in nav mode, make current cell a Markdown (text) cell
Text cells (Colab) or markdown cells (Jupyter) contain formatted text. When editing, formatting is specified with a language called Markdown.
# Heading level 1
## Heading level 2
### Heading level 3
* Bullet list item
* Another bullet list item
1. Numbered list item
1. Another numbered list item
Links: [text to display](
Google Colab offers notebook creation, editing, execution (can use google account).
Some other online services allowing free use of Python notebooks: Kaggle, CoCalc
See Lutz, Chapter 18 for more about function arguments (including variadic functions).