Preliminary imports
import time
The context manager requested in the problem
class TimedBlock:
Context manager that tracks and prints total time
spent in the with-block
def __init__(self,title):
"Initialize a named, timed block context manager"
self.title = title
def __enter__(self):
"Display message and begin timing"
print("Starting timed block '{}'".format(self.title))
self.t0 = time.time()
def __exit__(self,a,b,c):
"Compute and print elapsed time"
self.t1 = time.time()
print("Exited timed block '{}' after {:.4f}s".format(self.title,self.t1-self.t0))
Running the given sample code with this context manager to show it works as intended.
# Sample usage to time a bunch of calculations
with TimedBlock("Gigantic integer arithmetic"):
digits = 0
for k in range(5000):
x = 3**k - 2**k
digits += len(str(x))
print("Total of {} digits".format(digits))
# Sample usage showing we still get timing data if the with-block
# raises an exception
with TimedBlock("Float arithmetic that eventually fails"):
for k in range(5000):
x = 1 / (3**(4000-k) - 2**(4000-k))
# Sample usage showing output is only printed when we enter the with-block
# and NOT when the class is instantiated
B = TimedBlock("Notice the constructor doesn't print anything")
# Sample usage showing that timing begins when the with-block begins
# and NOT whent he TimedBlock constructor is called.
B = TimedBlock("Should take about 0.5 seconds")
# The next delay isn't part of the timing
with B:
# This delay IS part of the timing
def DRB(n):
Recursive implementation of 'digital recursion breath' sequence
if n<=2:
return 1
d = len(str(n))
x = 0
for i in range(d+2):
x += DRB(n-1-i)
return x
Quick test
[DRB(n) for n in range(15)]
def DRB_iterative(n):
Iterative implementation of 'digital recursion breath' sequence
if n<=2:
return 1
# Store d+2 recent terms in `context`
context = [1,1,1]
# At the end of each iteration of this loop,
# the last element of `context` will be DRB(k)
for k in range(3,n+1):
# make sure `context` has the right length
if len(context) > len(str(k))+2:
context = context[1:]
# Note: sum(L) returns sum of list items, which is useful
# (But we could just as well use a for loop)
return context[-1]
[DRB_iterative(n) for n in range(15)]
agree = True
print("{:>3} {:>5} {:>5}".format("n","rec","iter"))
for n in range(20):
xrec = DRB(n)
xiter = DRB_iterative(n)
print("{:3d} {:5d} {:5d}".format(n,xrec,xiter))
assert xrec==xiter
print("\nAll computed values agree.")