A document from MCS 275 Spring 2024, instructor Emily Dumas. You can also get the notebook file.

MCS 275 Spring 2024 Homework 8

  • Course Instructor: Emily Dumas


This homework assignment must be submitted in Gradescope by Noon central time on Tuesday March 5, 2024.


Collaboration is prohibited, and while working on this you should only consult the resources (books, online, etc.) listed below.


This assignment corresponds to Worksheet 8, covering topics:

  • set and defaultdict
  • CSV and JSON
  • Bitmap images using Pillow

Resources you may consult

The materials you may refer to for this homework are:

Point distribution

This homework assignment has two problems. The grading breakdown is:

Points Item
4 Autograder syntax checks (problem 1)
5 Problem 2
5 Problem 3
14 Total

What to do if you're stuck

Ask your instructor or TA a question by email, in office hours, or on discord.

Problem 2:

Work in hwk8prob2.py.

You will need to save the following PNG file in the directory where you do your work. All the links below take you to the same PNG file, so use whichever one makes it easiest for you to save it to a known location on your computer.

UIC circle logo

This is an image of the UIC campus logo, a red circle with "UIC" written inside it in bold white sans-serif letters.

Write a Python program that uses Pillow (i.e. the PIL module) to open this image file, analyze it, and print a report that answers these questions:

  1. Exactly what RGB color is the shade of red used in this UIC logo image? Many colors are used in this image because of blending between red and white at the edges. But there are only two "popular" colors, used in tens of thousands of pixels: white (i.e. (255,255,255)) and one other color (that we're asking for).
  2. How many pixels in the image have the exact color that was the answer to question #1? (Let's call these "UIC red pixels".)
  3. What fraction of the area of this image is accounted for by UIC red pixels? Assume the pixels are square. Print the answer as a percentage, with one digit after the decimal point.

Here's an example of what the output should look like, but using different colors and numbers than the actual answer:

UIC red is: (105,21,17)
Number of pixels of that color: 28055
Fraction of the area they account for: 38.5%

ALSO, please run your program and paste its output as a series of comment lines at the bottom of hwk8prob2.py. That way we can see its output while reading the code during grading.

Problem 3: Save tree as CSV file

Work in hwk8prob3.py. You'll need to import and use trees.py, and I suggest you download a fresh copy because it has been updated include the methods you were asked to write in Worksheets 7 and 8. (You don't necessarily need to use those new methods, but their code may be a handy source of inspiration.)

Write a function save_tree_as_csv that takes two arguments:

  • T, a Node or BST object that is the root of a tree
  • filename, a string specifying the name of the desired output file

This function should create a CSV file with two columns: location and key. After the header row, there should be one row for each node in the tree. In the row corresponding to a node, the value in column key should be the key of the node, and the value in column location should be a string containing only the letters L and R that, when read from left to right, indicates how to get to the node from the root (T). For example, the string "LRL" would mean: "To get to this node, start at the root, go to its Left child, then the Right child of that, then the Left child of that." The empty string "" would be the location of the root node itself.

For example, the tree

-           <True>
-           /    \
-    <"Alice">  <False>
-     /     \
-  <5.8>   <5.5>

might generate a CSV file with the following contents:


Use the following function definition line:

In [ ]:
def save_tree_as_csv(T,filename):


  • After the header row, the other rows are allowed to appear in any order. What's important is that there is exactly one row for each node in the tree.
  • Feel free to write and use helper functions if you like.
  • You can do this by recursion or iteration according to your preference. If you're not sure I'd try recursion.

Revision history

  • 2024-02-29 Initial publication