A document from MCS 275 Spring 2024, instructor Emily Dumas. You can also get the notebook file.

MCS 275 Spring 2024 Worksheet 4

  • Course instructor: Emily Dumas


This worksheet focuses on the Jupyter notebook interface, context managers, and the start of our unit on recursion.


These things might be helpful while working on the problems. Remember that for worksheets, we don't strictly limit what resources you can consult, so these are only suggestions.

1. Get the Project 1 starter pack

Project 1 is due on Friday February 9 at 11:59pm central time. To prepare for working on it, please download and extract ths starter pack, which is a ZIP file:

You don't just want to view the contents of the ZIP file in Windows explorer or a Finder window; it's important to actually extract the files so they exist in a directory where you can do your project work. You'll know you've done this if you can find and list those files (e.g. simulation.py, routing.py) in a terminal.

The point of asking you to do it during lab is to ensure the TA can help you if you run into any problems.

2. Open a notebook in which you'll write your solutions

To get some experience using the notebook interface, work on this assignment in a notebook. (Similarly, Homework 4 will require you to submit a notebook.)

For this problem, just get that set up as follows:

  • If you plan to work locally (on your own computer):
    • Install the notebook interface (usually python3 -m pip install notebook will do it)
    • Check that you can start it up (usually python3 -m notebook in the directory where you want your notebook files to go)
    • Create a new Python 3 notebook, giving it a name like lab4.ipynb
  • If you want to avoid installing anything:
    • Log in to Google Colab with your netid@uic.edu account (or any other google account)
    • Create a new Python 3 notebook in Colab, giving it a name like lab5

These instructions will have you start with a blank notebook. If you'd instead like to start with a copy of the worksheet notebook, you can do that by downloading the .ipynb file of the worksheet (from github or using the "notebook file" link at the very top if this is the web page). If you use Colab, you will also need to upload that file to Colab after you save it to your computer.

But if you prepare your solutions in a copy of this worksheet notebook, please delete all the cells except the numbered problems and your answers.

3. Sequence

There is a sequence of integers $T_n$ defined by the conditions

$$\begin{split} T_0 &= 0\\ T_1 &= 1\\ T_2 &= 2\\ T_{n} &= T_{n-1} + T_{n-2} + T_{n-3} \text{ if } n \geq 3\end{split}$$

This sequence begins $0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 11, 20, 37, 68, 125, 230, 423, 778, 1431, 2632, \ldots$.

A. Recursive implementation

Write a recursive function that calculates $T_n$.

B. Iterative implementation

Write an iterative function that calculates $T_n$.

C. Call counts

Add code to the recursive function that will allow you to count how many times the function is called in any single computation. (You probably want to have a global dictionary in which every function call changes the value associated with a certain key.)

Make a table of how many calls are involved for $n=1,2,3,\ldots,15$.

3. Lockfile context manager

The idea

Sometimes, a program will read or write a data file which might also be accessed by another program at the same time. In such cases, it may be necessary for one program to have exclusive access to the file at certain times (e.g. to make changes without fear another program will read partially updated or corrupted data).

There are a lot of mechanisms for handling this situation. One of the oldest approaches is to use a second file, a lockfile, that will be created when a program needs exclusive access to the data file and removed when the period of exclusive access ends.

To make this precise, imagine there might be a file called keyring.dat that is used by a password manager system. It might be used by a Python program that lets you view or edit passwords stored there, and by a web application that integrates the password database with a browser. Each of these programs may need exclusive access to keyring.dat at various times. A lockfile system for this purpose might look like this:

  • When any program wants exclusive access to keyring.dat, it checks to see whether a different file named locked-keyring.dat already exists
    • If so, the program pauses for 0.1 seconds and tries again
    • If not, the program creates an empty file named locked-keyring.dat and considers its exclusive access to keyring.dat to be obtained
  • When a program that is exclusively using keyring.dat is finished using it, it removes locked-keyring.dat, allowing other programs to claim exclusive use of it.

While there can be problems with lock files in general, this structure is a good candidate for implementation using a context manager.

Your task

Make a context manager class OpenWithLock whose constructor accepts a filename fn (such as keyring.dat) and a mode (such as "w" or "r" or "a", specifying the type of access to a file). When entering an associated with-block, this context manager will

  • Wait 0.1 seconds repeatedly until there is no file named "locked-"+fn exists
  • Create (i.e. open and then close) an empty file called "locked-"+fn
  • Open the file named fn in mode mode and return the file object

And when exiting the with-block, this context manager will

  • Close fn
  • Delete "locked-"+fn

You might use this context manager as follows:

In [ ]:
print("I'm about to attempt to open reserved-seats.txt for exclusive use.")
print("If another process already has it locked, there may be a delay.")

with OpenWithLock("reserved-seats.txt","r") as fp:
    print("Ok, I have exclusive access to reserved-seats.txt")
    print("A lock file named 'locked-reserved-seats.txt' was created so other programs know that.")
    x = fp.read()
    # maybe do things with x...
print("I have relinquished my exclusive access to reserved-seats.txt")
print("The lock file has been removed.")

Something to think about

How can you test that this context manager behaves as expected? If you haven't tested the behavior when the lock file already exists, it is hard to know whether the context manager is working!

4. Parentheses

If we write a+b+c+d, then we are using the associativity of addition to avoid the need for any parentheses.

There are lots of ways to put parentheses into the expression so that each time we use addition, it is a binary operation. For example:

  • ((a+b)+(c+d)) (i.e. first add a+b, then add c+d, then sum the results)
  • (a+(b+(c+d))) (i.e. first add c+d, then add b to that, then add a to that)
  • and more

Write a Python function that takes a list of integers and returns all possible ways of parenthesizing the sum fully.

This requires a choice of how to represent the input sum and output parenthesized sums. Instead of using strings, make your function so it expects a list of summands as input and returns a list of possible parenthesized versions that use nested Python lists to represent the parentheses, as in the following example:

In [2]:
put_parens([2,1,5,8]) # find all ways to put parentheses in the expression 2+1+5+8
[[2, [1, [5, 8]]],
 [2, [[1, 5], 8]],
 [[2, 1], [5, 8]],
 [[2, [1, 5]], 8],
 [[[2, 1], 5], 8]]

The return value is a list of length 5, which means there are five ways to add parentheses. Each item in the list describes one of the ways in to add parentheses, with nested lists instead of nested parentheses. So the five items shown above represent the expressions:



  1. Why is this a natural candidate for recursion?
  2. Unlike the recursion examples in Lecture 9, this one will involve a loop of recursive calls. That is, the function put_parens may call itself many times, with the exact number of times depending on its argument.

Bonus round

Work on this if you have extra time. No solutions will be given. Feel free to ask the instructor if you work on this outside of lab and have questions!

Bonus 1. Refined version of the lockfile context manager

It would be nice if the lock file created by the context manager from problem didn't just capture the fact that some program was using a file, but also which program.

The module os contains a function os.getpid() which returns a numerical identifier (process ID or PID) that the operating system gives to the currently-running program, like so:

In [1]:
import os

Modify the OpenWithLock class so that the lock file's name is not fixed, but instead incorporates the PID of the program that locked it. Thus if process 21256 locks keyring.dat, it would do so by creating a file named locked-21256-keyring.dat

But when the class is checking whether or not the file is already locked, it needs to look for any file whose name begins with "locked-" and ends with "-keyring.dat". If any such file exists, then it waits until that file is gone before creating its own lock file.

To check whether a file whose name matches a certain pattern exists, you have a couple of choices:

  • Use glob.glob, a function built for enumerating all files whose names match a pattern; read how to use it in Python documentation of the glob module
  • Use os.listdir to get a listing of all files, and then check them one by one to see if they start with "locked-" and end with "-" + fn.

Bonus 2. Theoretical analysis of call counts

This continues the work from problem 3.

Suppose we define a new sequence $c_n$ as follows: $c_n$ is the number of function calls that occur when calculating $T_n$ recursively. That is, $c_n$ is ths sequence of call counts you saw in part C of problem 3.

Can you determine a formula that gives $c_n$, perhaps as a sum of previous terms?

Revision history

  • 2024-01-28 Initial publication
  • 2024-02-06 Corrected project deadline