Lecture 16

Binary Search Trees

Intro & recursive search

MCS 275 Spring 2024
Emily Dumas

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Lecture 16: Binary search trees

Reminders and announcements:

  • Project 1 solutions posted
  • Project 2 available
  • Project 2 autograder will be open on Monday

Project 2

Involves solutions to a maze with obstacles (a labyrinth)

Passing obstacles requires equipment, player has mutable inventory

You write several functions that answer questions (solution exists? need this item? etc.)

I provide specs, labyrinth data structure, and sample labyrinths.

Back to dendritic matters...

Sample code

Tree-related examples are in the new directory datastructures in the course sample code repository.


Learn about search and insert operations on binary search trees.

Implement in Python.

Explore application to a fast data structure for storing a set of integers.

Binary search tree

A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree with keys that can be compared, such that for each node:

  • Left subtree contains only smaller keys
  • Right subtree contains only greater keys

We'll require keys to be distinct. Equal keys can be handled in multiple ways.

Binary tree

Binary tree with keys



This "just" is a binary tree with keys.

Other tree terms

Last time

Node class represents a node of a binary tree (and the entire subtree with that node as root)


I provide a module treevis in the sample code repository that can "pretty print" a tree with the function treeprint(root_node).

Challenge: Read the source of treevis and figure out how it works!

From tree to BST

Now let's build a subclass of Node to represent a BST.

Desired features:

  • Insert nodes (maintaining BST property)
  • Search for nodes by key
  • Ability to represent an empty tree


Given x, find and return a node with key x. Return None if no such node exists.


Given a key, add a node to the tree with that key, maintaining the BST property.


Let's use this to build a class to store a collection of integers that supports fast insertion and membership testing.

Implementation Hiding

IntegerSet has many possible implementations (e.g. a list, a tree, ...), and a user of the class doesn't need to know about which one it uses.


Revision history

  • 2023-02-20 Finalization of the 2023 lecture this was based on
  • 2024-02-12 Initial publication