Lecture 28

SQL CRUD Example

MCS 275 Spring 2024
Emily Dumas

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Lecture 28: SQL CRUD example

Reminders and announcements:

  • Please use the project 3 autograder early and often!
  • Project 3 due Friday at 11:59pm
  • No class next week


CRUD is an acryonym for Create, Read, Update, Delete.

These map to SQL statements INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

Some applications are "just" a convenient interface for these operations on a database table.

Task list

Let's make a Python-based task list application meant to be used in the terminal.


  • Add a task
  • Mark a task done
  • List tasks
  • List tasks and include completed ones
  • Delete a task


Add one row to an existing table.

        -- Set every column (need to know column order!)
        INSERT INTO table_name
        VALUES ( val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6, val7 );

        -- Set some columns, in an order I specify
        INSERT INTO table_name ( col1, col7, col3 )
        VALUES ( val1, val7, val3 );

Missing columns are set to default values (often null).

Exceptions indicate constraint violations (e.g. typing).

Giving data to SQLite

Don't use string formatting to embed data in a call to execute(). Instead, use ? characters as placeholders and then give a tuple of values in the second argument.

        # do this instead; it keeps data in native types
        # separate from the SQL code
            "INSERT INTO planets (name, radius_au) VALUES (?,?);",
            ("Earth", 1.0)

What row did I just create?

The statement

                    SELECT last_insert_rowid();

will return the primary key of the most recently added row (by this connection).


Change values in a row (or rows).

        UPDATE table_name SET col1=val1, col5=val5 WHERE condition;

Warning: Every row meeting the condition is changed!

Also supports ORDER BY and LIMIT.

Use ? placeholders for values when executing from Python.

How many rows were changed?

The return value of sqlite3.insert has an attribute rowcount indicating how many rows were changed.


Remove rows matching a condition.

        DELETE FROM table_name WHERE condition;

Also supports ORDER BY and LIMIT (e.g. to remove n rows with largest values in a given column).

Immediate, irreversible.

Omit WHERE clause to delete all rows.


Deletes an entire table.

        DROP TABLE table_name;           -- no such table = ERROR
        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS table_name; -- no such table = ok

Immediate, irreversible. Think of it as "throw the only copy of this table into a pool of lava". Use caution.

Transaction context manager

You can use a sqlite3 Connection object as a context manager (i.e. in with) to create a transaction.

        with con:
            # Make all the changes necessary to reflect the closing
            # of the Scranton office.

Another connection to the same database will never see it in a state other than "everything in the transaction happened" (if no exceptions) or "nothing in the transaction happened" (if an exception occurs).


  • SQLite home page
  • sqlitetutorial.net has a nice tutorial where you can run SQL command directly in your browser. Their SQLite install instructions are detailed and easy to follow, too.
  • Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science by Deitel and Deitel, Section 17.2. (This is an O'Reilly book, free for anyone with a UIC email; see course page for login details.)
  • Getting Started with SQL by Thomas Nield is a nice introduction to SQL that focuses on SQLite. It's another O'Reilly book you can access with your UIC email.
  • Computer Science: An Overview by Brookshear and Brylow, Chapter 9.

Revision history

  • 2024-03-11 Finalization of the 2024 lecture this was based on
  • 2024-03-13 Initial publication