Lecture 29


MCS 275 Spring 2024
Emily Dumas

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Lecture 29: HTML and CSS

Reminders and announcements:

  • Project 3 due today.
  • Homework 10 due Tues after spring break.
  • Task list SQLite application in sample code repo; promised additions coming soon.

Prep for SQL lab

Reminder: I think it's a really good idea to install the sqlite command line shell.

New unit

We're starting a unit on programming for the web, leading up to building web applications in Python.


  • Major Python application domain
  • Lets us develop a complex example program over a series of lectures

Core web technologies

HTML - Hypertext Markup Language. Web page content language.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets. Web page style language. (margins, fonts, colors, ...)

JS - JavaScript. The language that runs in the browser to provide complex interactivity on web sites.

HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The network protocol typically used to send all of the above from a server to the browser (client).

Opening developer tools in your browser with Ctrl-Shift-i will let you explore most of these for live pages.


First developed in 1993 by physicist Tim Berners-Lee.

Uses plain text with tags to indicate the structure of a document (and to add links, images, other resources).

Many versions of HTML exist, but the modern and most widely-used one is called HTML5.

HTML example

        <!doctype html>
            <title>Document title as seen in browser tab</title>
            Content you'll see in the browser window.

Indenting is optional. Note how start tags and end tags (like <tagname> and </tagname>) function like parentheses, surrounding the text they apply to.

A few useful tags

p paragraph
ul unordered (bullet) list
ol ordered (numbered) list
li item in a list
strong important text to be emphasized

A few useful tags

h1, h2, ..., h6 headings for document, section, subsection, etc.
div Component (division) of a document
a link to another resource
img image (no end tag)


URL - Uniform Resource Locator. A string that describes where a resource (e.g. web page) is, and how to get it (e.g. HTTP).

The a and img tags require a URL to be specified in an attribute. Attributes are key=value pairs in the start tag, e.g.

        See the <a href="http://example.com/">example.com web site</a>.

        My kitten, Mr. Mittens: <img src="kitten.jpg">


HTML is for a document's content, with logical parts indicated by tags.

CSS is a related language for specifying presentation or style (spacing, color, typeface, etc.)


Basic syntax is

        SELECTOR {
            PROPERTY1: VALUE1;
            PROPERTY2: VALUE2;

Elements that match the SELECTOR will have their styling changed by adjusting values of the given properties (things like color, font size, border).

CSS has a complex system of units for values like distances and sizes.

        body {
            font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif;
            background: #C0C0C0;
        p {
            border: 1px solid #000000;

The body element of the document (hence everything) will use the font called "Verdana", or if that isn't available, some sans serif font.

The body will be displayed with a light gray background.

Each paragraph will be surrounded by a 1-pixel black border.

Hex colors

The color code



  • Amount of red = 0x78 = 120 out of 255
  • Amount of green = 0x9A = 154 out of 255
  • Amount of blue = 0xBC = 188 out of 255

Google has a color picker that can be helpful.

CSS properties

There are lots, e.g. color, background, font-family, font-size, width, height, border, margin, margin-top, margin-left, padding, padding-left, ...

CSS properties reference at w3schools

Applying a stylesheet

You can embed a stylesheet (block of CSS) directly in HTML by placing it inside <style> within <head>.

Or you can use the HTML <link> tag to specify the CSS can be found at another URL (e.g. is in another file).

        <link rel="stylesheet" href="mysite.css">

Like <style>, <link> should go in the header.

The latter approach makes stylesheets reusable.


An HTML element in a document can be given a unique identifier with the id attribute.

        <p id="selector-intro">Let's talk about CSS selectors...</p>

If two elements have same id, your HTML is invalid.

You can link to an element within a document by id e.g.

            We discuss <a href="#selector-intro">selectors</a> below.

Another CSS example

        body {
            font-family: sans-serif;
            background: #C0C0C0;
            max-width: 45rem;
            padding: 2rem;
            margin: auto;
        a { 
            color: #000050;
            text-decoration: none;
        a:hover {
            text-decoration: underline;


jsfiddle is a convenient online tool for experimenting with HTML and CSS.


The markdown language used to format notebook text cells is actually just a shorthand for writing certain HTML.

The Python package Markdown can be installed to get a markdown-to-HTML converter.


Revision history

  • 2023-03-31 Finalization of the 2023 lecture this was based on
  • 2024-03-15 Initial publication